Managing natural assets for timely development
Nature is capital. Air, water, land, ecosystems — all are vital assets to business operations worth tens of trillions of dollars a year. Natural capital services, especially when leveraged across the lifecycle of critical infrastructure projects, can create lasting value by aligning organizational growth and stewardship priorities with people’s quality of life and the ability of communities to thrive.
Our team can help you adopt nature-based approaches, optimize resource efficiency, promote the circular economy, foster stakeholder engagement and tap funding through dedicated financing mechanisms and partnerships. From siting locations to remediating sites, complying with regulations to managing cultural resources, and addressing air quality to mitigating climate change impacts, go with the global leader in sustainable infrastructure. We deliver positive environmental outcomes strategically tailored to your natural resource needs and goals.
Environmental remediation is essential for infrastructure owners, particularly on contaminated sites. Our team, with over 40 years of experience, provides innovative solutions to resolve legacy issues, prevent future liability and comply with evolving regulations. We identify and mitigate risks in property transactions while balancing environmental, financial, and social considerations through the project lifecycle.
Our expertise in RCRA, CERCLA, TSCA, EPA and state regulatory programs enables us to execute comprehensive cleanup efforts for all types of facilities, project sites and water supplies. We develop a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to guide remediation efforts, explore grants, incentives and public-private partnerships to support projects, and implement long-term monitoring plans using remote sensing and IoT devices.
We also rally community support by promoting public health and economic development. Our services include investigations, studies, assessments, modeling, design and construction management, plus monitoring solutions for contaminants such as asbestos, chlorinated solvents, coal combustion residuals, creosote, lead, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCBs, dioxin, and PFAS.
All our efforts ensure your infrastructure is safe, compliant and sustainable.
Future-proof projects naturally
Investing in natural capital and integrating it into your planning and decision-making delivers wide-ranging benefits. Preserving and restoring natural ecosystems mitigates risks associated with climate change and extreme weather events. It supports diverse goals, from water purification to carbon sequestration. While reducing infrastructure costs, it can increase project value.
With governments and investors increasingly prioritizing projects that incorporate natural capital, it also can lead to better financing opportunities, compliance with environmental regulations and alignment with broader environmental and social goals. Make natural capital a central component of your project and realize sustainable, resilient and viable projects that benefit people and the planet as well as your organization.

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