Smart Grid | Black & Veatch
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Smart Grid

Your Partner Developing a Smarter Grid

Black & Veatch leverages current technologies already in your grid and integrates new technology to achieve your utility’s goals.

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Get Practical About Smart Grid Technology

Smart grids represent a major change for electric utilities, and operational technology (OT) is at the heart of this evolution. That’s why utilities trust Black & Veatch.

Black & Veatch designs, installs, and integrates the operational technology and communications networks that serve as the foundational infrastructure of the intelligent grid. This communications and automation expertise, combined with our extensive history across power utilities, transmission, and distributed generation, gives us the people, processes, and tools to build the grid of the future.

How We Support the Modern Grid

The electric grid is undergoing the most significant transformation in its history. With digital technologies and devices being pushed to the network edge supporting dynamic, two-way power requirements in real-time, utilities require advanced networks extending beyond legacy applications to ensure reliability, efficiency, and security – now more than ever. Black & Veatch provides the full suite of expertise and services for end-to-end network development.

Services, Technologies & Architectures:
  • IoT
  • WiMax
  • Microwave
  • Land Mobile Radio
  • Fiber/OSP Networks
  • Wide and Local Area Network
  • Field Area Networks
Delivery Models:
  • Planning
  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Testing & Acceptance
  • Operational Support

Since 1915, Black & Veatch has been a world leader in developing grid solutions. This tradition continues as the profession of engineering evolves to meet the challenges that come with implementing a modernized grid meeting the reliability and efficiency expectations for the next 100 years.

Services & Technologies
  • SCADA systems
  • Substation automation
  • Distribution automation: ADMS, OMS, FLISR
  • Integrated Volt/VAR control and optimization
  • Smart utility lab
Delivery Models
  • Assessments and Feasibility Studies
  • Planning and Design
  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Testing & Acceptance
  • Operational Support

We are on the forefront of merging data analytics with engineering expertise to deliver timely and actionable insights realizing the full potential of centralized and distributed energy resources. It begins by leveraging integrated communications and analytics tools, enabling our engineers to monitor and diagnose opportunities for improvement and preventing potential critical system failures.

Our combination of advanced analytics, engineering expertise and scalable processes is the driving force propelling our clients’ businesses forward.

  • Device and Network Monitoring
  • Moves, Adds and Changes Integration
  • Outage Prediction and Prevention
  • Trouble Ticketing and Mitigation
  • Field Maintenance and Break / Fix
  • Field Force Optimization
  • Performance Management
  • Services and Account Management
  • Network Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Integration
  • Network Management
  • Security Management
  • Leased Systems and Services Management
  • Network Services Platforms (NSP)
Delivery Models:
  • Planning and Design
  • Modeling and Rules
  • Development and Maintenance
  • Network Monitoring
  • Network and Security Operations Center (NOC/SOC) support

Achieve Your Smart Grid Goals

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Smart Utility eBook

Industry Benchmarks for Progress and Future Actions

To understand U.S. utility grid modernization progress and obstacles, Black & Veatch conducted surveys in 2020 and 2021 and researched industry trends and data points to form a comprehensive snapshot. In an era of ever - increasing risks and investment in rapidly changing technologies, this eBook benchmarks utility progress and provides signposts to guide future actions in Distribution Modernization, Cybersecurity, Asset Management, and Resilience.

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We seek partners in innovation. Let's start the conversation.

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