CEO Letter to the Black & Veatch Community | Black & Veatch
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CEO Letter to the Black & Veatch Community

Dear Colleagues,

Words seem to fall short when trying to address the pain and frustration that so many are feeling right now with the racial injustices happening across the United States, particularly within our black community. The senseless deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor are just the most recent heart-breaking examples of far too many others. My heart goes out to the families of these victims and to our professionals hurting from the loss of life and the continued violence happening in this country and globally.

Our commitment as a company is to make sure we live in a world free of discrimination, bigotry and divisiveness. As a company whose Core Values include Respect and Integrity, racism is not tolerated at Black & Veatch. No form of discrimination will be. We know that equitable collaboration yields better results in our work and in society, and without either, we cannot meet the daunting challenges of our day.

The protests and demonstrations occurring in U.S. communities and cities and beyond impact us all. They are a painful reminder of the different experiences that shape us and that we carry every minute of every day to our jobs, families and relationships. As a white male, I cannot begin to grasp the experiences that my colleagues of color have endured and continue to endure. However, I do know that were it me on the street of Minneapolis, jogging in Georgia or on a Staten Island street corner, at the end of the day, I’d have gotten home. This is not ok.

This tragic period provides us all with an opportunity to learn and better understand what our colleagues and communities experience every day. And we have the right and duty to find meaningful and peaceful ways to show solidarity in standing against racism and fighting for equality.

Black & Veatch is a vibrant and diverse company and one that I’ve been proud to be part of for 40 years. To help our communities heal and drive change that puts an end to discrimination and intolerance we are making a $10,000 donation to NAACP’s Legal Defense and Educational Fund and ask you to support us in this effort.


Steve Edwards 
Black & Veatch

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