Starting with Sustainability to Generate Responsible Profit | Black & Veatch
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Starting with Sustainability to Generate Responsible Profit

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Black & Veatch works with clients to drive sustainability within their organizations. Embedding sustainability into project planning requires commitment to the cause, education from professionals, and the necessary digital tools to manage energy and material sourcing to achieve environmental, social and governance (ESG) compliance without compromising on profit.

In Starting with Sustainability to Generate Responsible Profit, Black & Veatch discusses their forward-thinking approach to sustainability, the importance of advocating for environmental stewardship, how to create a resiliency strategy that aligns with client needs, and e-mobility as a necessary action for decarbonization.

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Sustainability is about forward thinking. The assessment of past, current, and future activities provides a holistic view of emissions in the supply chain and social impact among communities, but switching present planning to foresight mitigates emissions and reduces costs.

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