Project Development | Black & Veatch
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Project Development

Project Development

From our experience, we know a strong start gives an infrastructure project the best possible chance to succeed. And as a provider of critical services like reliable power, clean water, or essential data storage, your projects must succeed. They shape our future cities and quality of life, creating a positive and lasting impact in the world. They transform possibilities and enable industrial and economic growth.

We work directly with utilities, project developers, telecommunications providers, data center operators and city planners to provide thorough site and route identification, evaluation and analysis, giving infrastructure projects the start they need to finish strong and ensure an efficient, on-budget design and construction process, and to deliver maximum return on investment. By ensuring that critical utilities are available and that the design meets regulatory, environmental and site-specific parameters, risk is reduced and mitigated early in the project development process.

We also collaborate with commercial enterprises, entrepreneurs and planners through our turnkey asset development company, Diode Ventures, to ensure efficiency and maximum return on project investments.

Diode Ventures

Our subsidiary, Diode Ventures, was founded to provide growing companies with turnkey, end-to-end asset development solutions. We have since deployed Diode’s unique expertise to a growing list of projects, including the Remington Technology Center in Virginia’s “Data Center Alley,” through which an estimated 70 percent of the world’s Internet traffic flows. We applied the same know-how to constructing a solar farm for Google in Taiwan that adds 10 megawatts a year to Google’s clean energy portfolio in Asia.

With projects of every scale in over 100 countries, we pair an innovative approach to project financing and capital assembly with the trusted design-build and operations expertise that has built our century-old reputation.

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What We Do

We use our significant in-house environmental and engineering experience to help clients evaluate potential sites for solar farms, power transmission and distribution infrastructure, data centers, or other commercial/industrial development. Our repeatable process utilizing data-driven technology and tools enables the quick identification and initial evaluation and optimization of sites. We also leverage our breadth and depth of knowledge to conduct detailed site reviews and environmental and engineering site analyses.

We work with you to prepare a list of criteria for identifying, evaluating and scoring critical site or project features. These criteria often include proximity to existing infrastructure, constructability considerations such as land cover, zoning, and parcel size, along with environmental and cultural factors such as underlying geology, floodways and wetlands, and current land use and ownership. Emerging criteria for inclusion include environmental justice and risk due to climate change.

By applying the evaluation criteria and using conceptual design information, GIS data and desktop tools and, when appropriate, on-site reconnaissance, potential sites are evaluated based on specific scoring criteria. This analysis also helps identify opportunities for optimizing design efficiencies — minimizing compliance, permitting, and development costs, and streamlining project timelines.

At your request, we can conduct additional virtual or on-site surveys to identify and ‘ground-truth’ potential environmental considerations such as wetland investigations, threatened and endangered species habitat surveys, cultural resources surveys, aquatic and water resource studies and recreational user surveys. We can also compare candidate sites for potential development and production costs.

Optimizing Project Delivery

Whether you’re starting with a selection of potential sites in mind, need help identifying new sites, or are evaluating the purchase of a facility, our proven, phased methodology can be tailored to your specific project; can help optimize scheduling, budgeting, and production; and can frequently be completed almost entirely through virtual or desktop analysis.

We’ll take your long-term business plans into consideration, and help you design your project development strategy for smoother project delivery — all leading to the result you want, and that your own customers demand.

Meet Black & Veatch

We seek partners in innovation. Let's start the conversation.

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