Decarbonization | Black & Veatch
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Black & Veatch develops and implements decarbonization programs to achieve intermediate and long-term zero-emission goals.

Top 5

ENR Ranked in Power, Telecom and Water 

30+ Years

Market leader in carbon capture technology



Ranked by ENR in Solar Power

We know decarbonization

Decarbonizing our global economy – our industries, utilities and patterns of trade and consumption – is this generation’s moonshot. Transitioning to a carbon-free economy will take time. Innovative solutions such as low- and zero-emissions power generation, advanced renewable energy projects, alternative-fueled vehicles, and energy storage are creating an expanding ecosystem of carbon-reduction technologies. Black & Veatch, a market leader in deploying these technologies, helps you identify your operations’ impacts on the global carbon cycle as well as your climate risks and opportunities, understand the emerging technology mix, and conceive a strategy and roadmap to remove carbon from your operations and reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions.

We meet you wherever you are on the journey towards decarbonization and net zero emissions, developing and navigating your roadmap, and accelerating you to zero.

Advancing Decarbonization at Scale

We have decades of experience delivering first-of-a-kind innovations and technologies safely and reliably across the power, water, oil and gas, environmental, and advanced transportation sectors. We have been a market leader in carbon capture technologies for more than 30 years and have been a pioneer in clean transportation infrastructure.

Our experience includes:

  • Engineering, procurement and construction of hydrogen-capable generation facilities for some of the largest U.S. utilities.
  • Working with leading zero-emission vehicle stakeholders to plan, design, engineer, permit, and construct infrastructure programs.
  • Deploying one of the financial industry’s most comprehensive renewable energy programs at scale across hundreds of facilities.

Fast-Tracking a Sustainable Future

decarbonization roadmap

When planning horizons span decades, clients can avoid the consequences of getting locked into path dependency or stranding assets by having a clear understanding of technology maturity and cost. Our experience across all commercially-available technologies and a technology-agnostic approach helps you evaluate the trade-offs of competing technologies to achieve cost-effective, deep decarbonization. 

Transitioning to a carbon-free economy will take time. Innovative solutions such as low- and zero-emission power generation, advanced renewable energy projects, alternative-fueled vehicles and energy storage are creating an expanding ecosystem of carbon-reduction technologies. Black & Veatch, a market leader in deploying these technologies, helps clients identify operational impacts on the global carbon cycle as well as climate risks and opportunities; understand the emerging technology mix; and conceive a strategy and roadmap to remove carbon from operations.

We meet you wherever you are on the journey towards decarbonization and net zero emissions, developing and navigating your roadmap, and accelerating you to zero.

85% of electric industry leaders have either carbon reduction, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, or renewables goals

Source: 2020 Black & Veatch Strategic Directions: Electric Report Survey

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