Mobile and Modular Solutions | Black & Veatch
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Mobile and Modular Solutions

Mobile and modular solutions are developed rapidly and in cost-effective ways to serve new community and business needs or to optimize the performance of existing operations.

Mobile and Modular Solutions

The world is constantly evolving, and Black & Veatch is at the forefront of that change rather than shying away from it. We’re reshaping how we engage with our clients and our communities in response to societal challenges. Black & Veatch’s mobile and modular solutions encompass various types of temporary infrastructure that can be broadly categorized as follows:

Mobile Solution

Mobile units, often in vehicular form such as a cargo van or box truck, are fully transportable and perfect for businesses looking to bring their products or services to multiple locations and test out new markets.

Modular Solutions

Modular units provide a semi-fixed facility without the high price of permanent infrastructure and can be utilized for longer-term operations while still providing some mobile functionality. These solutions are great for temporarily relocating during building remodels and supporting operations that aren’t convenient to your headquarters.

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Mobile and Modular Solutions: Five Ways to Rapidly Address Evolving Business and Community Needs

With supply chain issues affecting almost every industry, companies are looking for quicker ways to go from project conception to completion. At the same time, communities are suffering from the lack of skilled workers, a growing digital divide, extreme weather events and health crises. What if there was a fully customizable solution, with competitive speed to market, to meet the demands of businesses and community members?

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Business and Community Use Cases

Used as alternatives to more permanent infrastructure, our mobile and modular solutions are quicker to deploy, less expensive, and more flexible. These are just a few ways mobile and modular solutions can be utilized to benefit both businesses and communities:

  • Workforce development and digital equity. Employment demand is projected to grow by 8.3 million jobs by 2031, but employers are struggling to fill their open positions with qualified candidates. Digital equity creates additional obstacles for workforce development, as 19 million people don’t have high-speed internet access at home.Mobile and modular solutions quickly bring much-needed skills trainings and high-speed internet access to underserved, often rural areas without constructing costly communications networks.

  • Disaster relief and healthcare. In 2022, natural disasters cost the nation $175.2 billion in damages. Mobile and modular solutions offer quick-to-deploy, potentially life-saving services while damages to critical infrastructure are repaired. Disaster relief initiatives can also be leveraged to mitigate “healthcare deserts” and the lack of routine health services for vulnerable populations – delivering care directly to those who need it.

  • Nonprofit support and enhanced business operations. The secondhand clothing market is expected to reach $70 billion by 2027, but nonprofits are struggling to keep up with the inventory. Mobile and modular solutions give these organizations a more efficient way to collect and distribute secondhand donations. Similar solutions can be deployed for other types of business to test out new markets and establish satellite offices to extend the reach of ongoing operations.

  • PFAS regulation compliance. PFAS mitigation has the potential to prevent tens of thousands of related illnesses caused by long-term exposure but complying with new Per/Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) regulations is estimated to cost water utilities $3.8 billion per year. Utilities are considering mobile and modular solutions to provide immediate relief for water treatment needs to accelerate the development of more permanent infrastructure.

Pioneer First-of-its-Kind Mobile and Modular Infrastructure

Black & Veatch’s mobile and modular solutions are backed by over 100 years of experience designing and building major infrastructure around the world. Our capabilities expand each time we have the privilege to collaborate with a client looking to address their evolving needs in creative ways. Contact us to talk about your business goals and discuss how an innovative modular solution could be the best way to achieve them.

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