Connected Customer | Black & Veatch
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Connected Customer

Providing Innovation in Customer Communications

Leading the transformation for utilities and large commercial and industrial clients to fully meet the expectations of a new level of customer expectations, engagement.

Best CIS

awarded two CS Week awards
for projects completed in 2020


of utility customers benefitted
by our CIS projects in North America


retained by our customers from our
innovative customer account programming

Customer Communication Innovations Through Technology and Creative Programming

We bring decades of experience in delivering Customer Experience solutions and consulting services to clients around the globe.

Our professionals have significant industry, software, and system integration experience. We have implementation experience with most major CIS systems and have worked with the major CIS integrators as part of integration projects.

Our knowledge and experience of business, facility and systems help to deliver programs that provide maximum efficiency while mitigating risks commonly associated with large-scale, AMI programs.

Our industry-tested methodologies provide a controlled and efficient approach to the assessment, selection, implementation and incorporation into a client’s AMI strategy.

Our Consulting Approach

We are dedicated to maintaining high standards for all our engagements and commits to providing the highest level of service to the client. We can make this commitment due to our clients’ confidence in our technical and managerial capabilities and our successful performance on previous projects.

Our ability to work across the many business units of Black & Veatch provides us with a unique global service approach. Collectively, our teams can solve technological, operational and financial challenges by integrating the full range of our capabilities to deliver effective solutions. One BV approach provides our clients with a unique solution package that other smaller or regional firms are unable to provide.

Our professionals bring a global level of power industry experience to facilitate the investment, design, construction and operationalization of a clean, distributed and intelligent grid required to serve a changing energy economy. As a leading global advisor to utilities, commercial organizations and investors, we facilitate the development of the next-gen infrastructure, and manage and advise on projects that align with market solutions.

A focus on working to facilitate and operationalize reliable, efficient and value-laden oil and gas assets has made our consultant highly regarded in this industry segment. In an increasingly demanding regulatory environment, we work to help our industry participants improve their overall decision-making, risk management, asset portfolio optimization through transaction support, and safety performance. Our “Owner Advisors” also work with our clients to help them manage and align their market solutions to meet the needs to support the next generation of asset intelligence.

With more than 8,000 professionals globally, we can provide an exceptional level of experience and reliability.

Meet Black & Veatch

We seek partners in innovation. Let's start the conversation.

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