Black & Veatch understands the critical infrastructure needs of our nation. We are a leader in water infrastructure and civil works, and we pride ourselves in providing environmentally sustainable, economic, and technically sound solutions with a focus on informed risk reduction decisions and public safety. Our solutions provide quality and responsive aid to infrastructure including flood risk management, flood protection, resiliency, hardening of assets, navigable transportation, hydropower, environmental and water quality, water supply, recreation, and restoration.
SMEs You Need
Full-service AEC civil works solutions provider from planning to O&M for major civil works projects for more than 100 years
Where You Are
Our local offices result in local delivery teams and reach nearly all USACE Divisions and District offices
Solutions Provider
Delivering environmentally sustainable, economic, and technically sound projects that solve problems and enhance the environment
Full Suite of Civil Works Services
As one of the world’s most successful large engineering firms, Black & Veatch has the best resources to undertake any civil works project, regardless of size, scope and complexity. Black & Veatch is a leader in the implementation of civil works programs that involve a wide variety of complex needs and stakeholders, offering planning, engineering, construction, O&M services that touch all aspects of the Civil Works Programs.
We understand your challenges
The importance of effectively and efficiently managing our nation’s resources has never been greater. Management of these resources is dependent on providing sustainable, economical and environmentally safe civil works solutions. We understand the needs and missions of the federal government and our municipal clients. We are committed to providing critical resources to Government agencies such as U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Districts, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. National Park Service, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Tennessee Valley Authority, the Nature Conservancy, state environmental agencies, local ports and harbors, as well as bordering waterways at our military installations.
A Rich History Improving Civil Works
Black & Veatch is a full-service AEC civil works solutions provider from planning to O&M for all major civil works projects for more than 100 years. Our solutions provide aid to infrastructure, flood protection/resiliency and hardening of assets, navigable transportation, hydropower, environmental/water quality, water supply, and recreation. Our excellent delivery of projects leads to high ratings and credibility to prime any size project.
Our distributed office network results in local teams and reach to nearly all USACE Divisions and District client offices. We offer cost-effective access to deep multidisciplinary resources, with capabilities ranging from basic civil works infrastructure services to complex water resource engineering and emergency response. We have served on U.S. government missions at every stage, from preliminary studies and planning to complete program management.