Watershed and Water Resource Management | Black & Veatch
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Watershed & Water Resource Management

Bring New Confidence to Water Management

Plan, control, build, conserve, reuse—manage the complete water cycle with water resource management solutions from Black & Veatch.

Reliability in the Face of Uncertainty

Droughts, rising sea levels, flood emergencies, natural disasters—there are many environmental uncertainties facing our communities today. Managing this uncertainty is confronting many decision makers with a host of questions related to their water resources, like: Are we fully utilizing our available resources? How do we manage these resources at scale? How do we do it all sustainably?

Black & Veatch can help you successfully manage the complete water cycle, positioning you for the future water resource needs of your community. That means ample water supply, assurance of water quality, drought and flood contingencies, planning for climate change, reliable infrastructure, proactive asset management, and a multitude of additional factors that play a part in helping you achieve sustainable, long-term performance.

Solutions That Breed Confidence

Our team of experts can plan, design, and build sustainable projects for drainage, flood, and coastal defense, estuarine, and river basin management. We work closely with developers and planning authorities to protect people and property, guard habitats, and safeguard the wider environment. Black & Veatch brings the resources and commitment to ensure success for integrated river, coastal, and harbor projects.

Sea-Level Rise

The Black & Veatch team of experts can predict the impacts associated with sea level rise, land subsidence, and flood events, but the engagement of all stakeholders in the final solution is critical to finding successful outcomes.

Water Scarcity & Drought

In addition to coastal resilience and flood mitigation and adaptation, we have helped clients  develop integrated strategies to adapt to water scarcity and drought. Our approaches have included water conservation, climate risk management, and integrated supply planning to develop new water resources that are less susceptible to climate change.

Environmental Protection & Sustainability

Black & Veatch’s job is to deliver sustainable projects. We help to protect habitats, fish and eel populations, and precious ecosystems for the long term. Our environmental scientists share their knowledge of changes in water quality, soil and topography, flows, sediments, and land use. We convey how those changes affect the presence of endangered, protected, or exotic species. We also provide an understanding of hydrological patterns and how to deal with key ecological driving forces.

We offer solutions that can combine green infrastructure, detention structures, tunneling and open channel systems, and underground drainage networks, in addition to comprehensive planning efforts. Our team also provides direction and recommendations to achieve regulatory compliance and manage stormwater as efficiently as possible.

Our extensive background in stormwater management also includes:

  • Flood planning and control
  • Stormwater planning & design
  • CSO planning & design
  • Stream restoration
  • Source water protection
  • Water quality modeling
  • NPDES permitting
  • Integrated resource planning
  • Watershed planning
  • Groundwater supply and management
  • Source water protection
  • Water quality modeling
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Drought contingency
  • Water marketing
  • Water rights and transfers
  • Sustainability assessments

Black & Veatch has decades of experience addressing the most complex environmental remediation challenges for our clients, including those related to hazardous waste, groundwater contamination, and mining site closures. Our wide range of environmental remediation services include:

  • Phase I and II environmental site assessments
  • Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
  • Remedial Alternative Evaluation and Corrective Measures Study (CMS)
  • Bench scale treatability testing
  • Pilot scale treatability testing
  • Remedial design
  • In-situ and ex-situ stabilization
  • Groundwater treatment systems
  • Groundwater, soil, and sediment remediation
  • Sediment remediation
  • Thermal remediation
  • Remedial action
  • Brownfields remediation and redevelopment
  • Man-made chemicals (PFAS / PFOA / PCBs) assessments and remediation
  • Remedial system optimization
  • Remedial system operation and maintenance
  • Preparation of environmental decision documents
  • Community relations
  • Human health/ecological risk assessment
  • RCRA and CERCLA corrective actions
  • State voluntary cleanup
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