Michael Vaughan | Black & Veatch
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Michael Vaughan

Manager, Transactions

Michael Vaughan photo

Michael Vaughan is a Manager with over 14 years experience specializing in technical due diligence in Black & Veatch’s management consulting business.

Mr. Vaughan’s background is in conventional electricity generation, renewable energy generation, energy contract negotiation, electricity purchasing strategies (both regulated and competitive), financial modeling, statistical analysis, power plant cost modeling, industrial energy efficiency and mechanical engineering.

Since joining Black & Veatch in 2016, Mr. Vaughan has focused on the management of independent engineering due diligence, with focus on portfolios of conventional and renewable power plants. During this period he has managed the due diligence of over 30 GW of generation capacity.

Mr. Vaughan has managed electricity supply for a large mining organization with over 200 MW of demand and generation. This included requests for proposals to suppliers (both competitive and regulated), negotiation & implementation of electricity supply contracts, optimization of over 200 MW of onsite generation, management of electrical system regulatory compliance and study of alternative onsite generation options (including financing options).

Mr. Vaughan also managed energy conservation and efficiency for a large mining organization including identification of opportunities and working with senior management to secure support and implement improvements.

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