Nick Galle, PE | Black & Veatch
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Nick Galle, PE

Principal Consultant, Transactions

Nick Galle photo

Mr. Galle is a principal consultant with Black & Veatch who plans, manages and executes projects related to the development, transaction, and operation of assets in the electric power generation industry. Mr. Galle is responsible for execution of project scope, interfacing with the client on progress, resolving emergent issues, and the quality of the services provided. Mr. Galle has represented the interests of various stakeholders across the industry, and he excels in areas such as project management, independent engineering, and asset management.

Mr. Galle has worked with large and small independent power producers (IPPs) and utilities to support the breadth of the needs of a wide and diverse client base.  Mr. Galle has also worked extensively with stakeholders in the financial community, including multinational lenders, ratings agencies, World Bank, the Department of Energy (DOE), and private equity firms. Experience covers a range of power project technologies, including conventional power plants (coal, gas and nuclear) and renewable energies (biomass, landfill gas, solar, waste-to-energy and wind). Mr. Galle has worked on projects across the globe, including Bangladesh, Canada, the Caribbean, Chile, Israel, Japan, the Philippines, the United States and Vietnam.

Since joining Black & Veatch, Mr. Galle has managed engagements covering assets with a combined capacity of over 20 GW and facilitated support of over $10B in power asset transactions.

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