Your Trusted Partner for Evolving Needs
Technology advancements create a dilemma for many utilities: While efficiency and sustainability goals have never been more achievable, innovation can outpace in-house capabilities, especially at organizations with retiring workforces or for non-traditional owners of transmission assets. The solution to that dilemma is Black & Veatch.
As a power industry leader for over a century, we know how to support utilities in the face of innovation. When your in-house expertise or skillset demands shift, trust us for the specialized expertise and solutions you need to remain agile, proactive, and forward-thinking.
Specialized Power Transmission Services Expertise
Design, deploy, monitor, manage, and automate supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems across your infrastructure.
Deploy and manage a protection scheme that meets the evolving needs of your infrastructure and community.
Power System Studies
Gain the dedicated expertise and cutting-edge analytical tools you need to create a safe, reliable, and efficient power system.